Our research in analysis, linguistics, statistics, and computer science has allowed us to create a comprehensive solution that benefits many industries in both the public and private sectors. Unlike other solutions, DiscoverText has lowered the barriers to entry that prevents many people from utilizing powerful text analytic software.
DiscoverText is Texifter’s flagship product designed to help users gain valuable insight about employees, products, citizens, and research data, by utilizing powerful text analytics methods. DiscoverText transforms text documents, such as surveys, emails, and social media posts into intelligent and actionable insights to help businesses make better marketing, service, operations and product decisions. DiscoverText is provided as both a SaaS solution and through analytical consulting services provided by Texifter.
The architecture of the software allows for the creation of custom methodologies, which combine data retrieval, search, filters, and human judgments with powerful automated software algorithms to create an active machine-learning loop reducing your costs and improving your ability to derive meaningful knowledge from underutilized data. DiscoverText is used for employee engagement, federal government public comment analysis, and academic research.