Shout Out to Boston New Tech Meetup #BNT19

Stu and Aleksandra at the NERD center. There was approval for ladies-cut DiscoverText t-shirts

A big thanks goes out to the organizers of the Boston New Technology Meetup, held at the Microsoft NERD Center on Tuesday, July 25th (#BNT19). The Citigroup-sponsored event gathered a nice crowd of entrepreneurs, technologists, and start-up enthusiasts, all of whom enjoyed networking, Domino’s Pizza, fast-paced technology discussions, and free drinks thanks to Microsoft.

Texifter participated in the event, along with 5 other young companies, presenting new technology in front of a highly engaged Cambridge, MA crowd. Founder & CEO Stu Shulman taught the crowd a few things about human coding and machine classifiers, which prompted the question from the audience, “does the CIA know about this?” The DiscoverText brochures and postcards were a big hit, as were the “sold-out” free t-shirts.

About Joseph Delfino

Joseph Delfino is responsible for business development at Texifter. He has been working with DiscoverText since January of 2011 when he started testing the DiscoverText user interface in the QDAP Lab. His favorite retired DiscoverText tool is the Splicer. Joe is a big film fan, with his favorites being foreign films, documentaries, and anything set in a future dystopian landscape. You can reach Joe on Twitter @_delfino_ and through email at
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