Upload SurveyMonkey Output

For the past couple of months the Texifter blog has featured many posts about the power of DiscoverText to harvest Twitter data and make sense of the noisy and often confusing data. This process has been amplified by our recent GNIP Firehose beta, which allows users to leverage even more metadata and Tweets. Just a few months ago we wrote about our use of crowd sourcing to find the funniest bin Laden Tweet, and recently we have been monitoring holiday shopping through Tweets. With all the commotion around Twitter data, it is easy to forget traditional data forms, such as surveys, which hold crucial information for many individuals and organizations.

Everyday, thousands of free surveys are administered using the popular platform SurveyMonkey.  We often encounter folks who analyze the open ended answers by simply reading through posts and looking at word clouds. This work can be time consuming and does not always produce the best results. Using DiscoverText, it is fast and easy to upload a .csv (Comma Separated Values) or .xls (Microsoft Excel) file. By doing so, you can start using a state-of-the-art text tool in minutes. Regardless of size and scope, you can try uploading your survey data to DiscoverText and use our Professional text analytic toolkit for two weeks on a trial basis. If you have any questions about methodologies, or need help getting started, feel free to drop me a note at joe@discovertext.com.

About Joseph Delfino

Joseph Delfino is responsible for business development at Texifter. He has been working with DiscoverText since January of 2011 when he started testing the DiscoverText user interface in the QDAP Lab. His favorite retired DiscoverText tool is the Splicer. Joe is a big film fan, with his favorites being foreign films, documentaries, and anything set in a future dystopian landscape. You can reach Joe on Twitter @_delfino_ and through email at Joe@discovertext.com
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