PowerTrack for Twitter

DiscoverText is preparing to launch a short and exclusive beta test period using “PowerTrack for Twitter Firehose Filtering” a service provided by GNIP. Compared to the “rate limited” service offered by DiscoverText through the public Twitter API, the “Full Firehose” is 50-100 times the volume with powerful Klout, language and keyword filters.

If you would like to participate in this trial, please leave us your contact information and tell us a little bit about your work. We will not be able to offer this trial service to everyone, so please make the case for the value you or your organization will add as beta testers.

About Stuart Shulman

Stuart Shulman is a political science professor, software inventor, entrepreneur, and garlic growing enthusiast who coaches U13 boys club soccer and in the Olympic Development Program with a national D-license. He is Founder & CEO of Texifter, LLC, Director of QDAP-UMass, and Editor Emeritus of the Journal of Information Technology & Politics. Stu is the proud owner of a Bernese/Shepherd named "Colbert" who is much better known as 'Bert. You can follow his exploits @stuartwshulman.
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  • http://progressivecongressnews.org Neal Rauhauser

    I’d be very interested in this for monitoring political accounts.

  • http://progressivecongressnews.org Neal Rauhauser

    I’d be interested in this for both policy and election stuff.

  • Sharon Haleva Amir

    I’d be interested in trying this tool to track Israeli politicians usage of Twitter during the last 2 months. I have a compiled list of these MKs but trying to gather their tweets manually seems to be quite impossible (if it is more than a 2 weeks period).

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